What is TCM?
What is Acupuncture?
What are the Various Forms of Acupuncture?
How does Acupuncture Work?
What does Acupuncture Treat?
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Is Acupuncture Safe?
What is Auricular Acupuncture?
What are Chinese Herbs?
What is Acupressure/TuiNa?
What is Moxibustion?
What is Cupping?
What is Reflexology?

How does Reflexology Work?
What can I Expect?
What Recommendations is for Treatment?
How Many Treatments will I Need?
How about if I do not Like Needle?

What is TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)?
TCM is the abbreviation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which has formed a unique system for at least 2,000 years. Now TCM has practiced in the whole world. TCM practices include theories, diagnosis and treatments, such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and massage (TuiNa), moxibustion and cupping; often food cure (diet therapy) and medical exercise like qi-gong, and tai-ji are also strongly affiliated with TCM.

As a developed systemic theory, TCM cover human physiology and pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. . TCM theory is based on a number of philosophical frameworks including the theory of Yin-yang, the Five Elements, the human body Meridian system, Zang Fu organ theory, and others. Today, it integrates the essence of ancient Chinese philosophy with the new technology of modern sciences. TCM applies the yin – yang principle to explain disease. In the view of TCM, the imbalance between yin and yang causes the disease, while the aim of treatment is restoring the balance.

What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

Acupuncture has evolved into a complete medical system that can diagnose, treat, and prevent illness for over 2000 years. Acupuncture is defined as an ancient Chinese technique involving the insertion of fine needles just under the skin in specific locations (acupoints) in order to relieve pain and treat a wide variety of complaints.

The definition and characterization of these points (acupoints) is standardized by the World Health Organization (WHO). The World Health Organization says acupuncture can be beneficial in many medical conditions ranging from neurological and gastrointestinal to mental and emotional ones. Acupuncture has been practiced and taught throughout the world. The American Academy of Medical Acupuncture, finds it helps as many as 80 percent of people.

Acupuncture can strengthen the immune system, regulate blood pressure, blood flow and body temperature. Also acupuncture can relieve stress and anxiety related to surgery, speed recovery time and improve wound healing.

What Are the Various Forms of Acupuncture?
For enhancing the effect, acupuncture commonly combines with other techniques. Depending on the medical situations, acupuncture may be practiced with electricity, magnet, laser, cold or warm. Among them, electro-acupuncture is most popular.

Electro-acupuncture has been widely used for treating a variety of clinic conditions, including pain relief, by the practitioners in TCM in China since 1958. The only difference of electro-acupuncture from traditional acupuncture is that, in electro-acupuncture, the electric pulses rather than a manual stimulation are applied to the inserted acupuncture needles. A special device is used to generate the adjustable electric pulses with desired amplification and frequency patterns depended on the disease features and the patient’s conditions. The pulses were delivered by a fine wire connected to the needle with a small clip.

Alternatively, electro-acupuncture can be employed by using electrodes that are taped to the acupoints on the skin instead of being inserted with acupuncture needles. The procedure is especially appreciated by people who have a fear of needles or a condition that the needling is a contraindication (such as hemophilic or other bleeding tendency conditions).

How does Acupuncture Work?
There are vital qi (an endless energy flow) and blood in the human body. Qi and blood flow along 12 regular and 2 extra channels (meridians). Along the meridian pathways on the skin, there are many points of meridians (acupoints) that connect internal organs and body structures.

In a healthy person, qi and blood are moving smoothly through the meridians. If qi and blood are weak, excessive or blocked, pain or sickness will come. Inserting fine disposable sterile needles on certain points (acupoints) of body surface, acupuncture can regulate your energy flow so as to improve the functions of internal organs or body tissue, which may work by regulating the endocrine and nervous system (releasing certain hormones and chemicals). In other words, it brings the body back to balance and restores health.

What does Acupuncture Treat?
A list of the diseases that can be treated by acupuncture:

  1. Infectious Diseases
    Influenza, Mumps, Viral Hepatitis, Dysentery.
  2. Diseases of the Respiratory System

    Common Cold, Sore Throat, Rhinitis, Tonsillitis, Sinusitis, Pharyngitis, Acute/Chronic Bronchitis, Bronchial Asthma, Pneumonia, Hiccough.

  3. Diseases of the Digestive System
    Acute/Chronic Gastroenteritis, Chronic Gastric/duodenal Ulcers, Chronic Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastrointestinal Neurosis, Gastroptosis, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Biliary/Intestinal Ascariasis, Indigestion, Chronic Diarrhia/Constipation, Incontinence.
  4. Diseases of the Circulatory System
    Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, Angina, Arrhythmia, Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease, High Cholesterol.
  5. Diseases of the Urinary System
    Nocturnal Enuresis, Retention of Urine, Prostatitis, Urinary Calculi, Nephroptosis, Urinary Tract Inflections.
  6. Diseases of the Regenerative System
    Dysmenorrhea, Menopause, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, , Fertility, Malposition of Fetus, Impotence, Seminal Emission.
  7. Neurotic And Mental Diseases
    Chronic Headache, Migraine, Intercostal Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Palsy/Paralysis, Neurosism (Depression/Hysteria), Stroke/Stroke Sequela, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s Disease, Peripheral Neuropathies, Meniere’s Disease, PMS, Dizziness, Insomnia, Morning Sickness.
  8. Diseases of the Motor System
    Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tennis Elbow, Thecal Cyst, Periarthritis of Shoulder, Cervical Spondylopathy, Tendonitis, Brusitis, Sciatica, Torticollis, Acute Lumbar Sprain, Chronic Back Pain, Soft Tissue Injury, and more Acute/Chronic Pain.
  9. Diseases of the Endocrine & Immune System
    Hyperthyroidism, Diabetes, Chronic Fatigue, Allergic Problems, Urticaria, Acne.
  10. Caner & Tumor
  11. Other Problems Dental Pain, Gingivitis, Acute Conjunctivitis, Tinnitus, Hearing Loss, Central Retinitis, Cataract, Myopia (in children), Addiction Cessation (drug, alcohol or smoking), Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Simple Obesity (overweight), Aging Wrinkles (Rejuvenation).
  12. Preventative health care
    And so much more……

Does Acupuncture Hurt?
The needles in acupuncture are made from stainless steel and are very fine. The truth is you may feel a pricking sensation similar to a mosquito bite or a dull ache that quickly subsides. You also may feel nothing at all. It depends on the individual, the acupoints and the experience of the acupuncturist, but generally most people find it very comfortable, restful and relaxing.

During and after treatment, somebody may feel sore, numbness, heaviness, tingling (or tightness) locally or spreading far along the meridian. These signs reveal that treatment is working.

Is Acupuncture Safe?
Acupuncture is very safe. The needle is sterile and disposable. the risk of infection, cross-infection or transmission disease is very low. Even in diabetes, acupuncture is still safe. It is absolutely natural and drug-free; so there are no side effects. Especially it is suitable to chronic problems for long-term maintenance treatment.

You should be practiced by a full-trained acupuncturist. There are certain conditions that you should notify your acupuncturist before receiving the treatment. For instance, electro-acupuncture should be avoided if you are carrying a pacemaker. In case you are a hemophiliac or have a tendency to bleed or bruise easily, you may want to consider a different type of care, including the needle-less acupuncture.

What is Auricular Acupuncture?
Auricular acupuncture, namely ear acupuncture, is a very effective healing treatment. Ear is considered a complete micro-system of the human body. The WHO and the Chinese government defined a localization of 91 specific auricular points by 1995. The ear contains a complete map of the body and allows for convenient point location and an effective treatment.

Auricle acupuncture is stimulation of the special points, by needles (or non-needle devices), on the external ears to alleviate pain, dysfunction and diseases throughout the body.

What is Chinese Herbs?
For thousands of years, natural Chinese herbal remedies and herbs have been used to improve health, vitality, and overall life expectancy. Chinese herbs are the strongest, natural medicines on the planet, due to their unique combinations of herbs in a formula.

Chinese herbal medicines are very safe. Allergic reactions are rare, and will cause no lasting damage. Chinese herbal medicine has been used traditionally as therapy to treat many common ailments and illnesses including: menopause problems; premenstrual tension, and other hormonal disorders; infertility etc; Anxiety; stress; depression; low energy; Arthritis; headaches; asthma; impotence etc.

Herbal medicine is distinct from medicine based on pharmaceutical drugs. Firstly, because of the complexity of plant materials it is far more balanced than medicine based on isolated active ingredients and is far less likely to cause side-effects. Secondly, because herbs are typically prescribed in combination, the different components of a formulae balance each other, and they undergo a mutual synergy which increases efficacy and enhances safety. Thirdly, herbal medicine seeks primarily to correct internal imbalances rather than to treat symptoms alone, and therapeutic intervention is designed to encourage this self-healing process.

What is Acupressure/TuiNa?
Acupressure is an ancient Asian technique that involves using the fingers to press acupoints on the skin in the place of needles. So acupressure is referred as “needle-less acupuncture”. Acupressure is very relaxing and promotes the release of endorphins that help ease pain. It focuses on the same points on the body as acupuncture, but without needles. Acupressure is a good way to reduce muscle tension and increase qi flow & blood circulation, which may improve health and resist to sickness.

TuiNa, a different term for acupressure, is essentially the same as acupressure and directly translates to “push grasp.” This amazing massage session invigorates blood, increases circulation, relieves pain, soothes stress and eases tense, tight muscles. Look and feel younger! Improve wrinkles, acne, loose skin, sallow complexion, dry, oily or combination skin, alopecia, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and many problems.

What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, also known as heat therapy. It involves the application of heat to the acupoints. It uses moxa (mugwort herb) and warms regions of the body and selected acupoints. The most common form of moxibustion is the moxa stick: the dried mugwort is rolled up tightly and wrapped in paper forming a long cigar-like stick. Sometimes a slice of ginger or some salt is directly place on the treatment area. Moxibustion may be used independently or adjunct to acupuncture by placing the heat to the distant handle of an inserted acupuncture needle.

Moxa stimulates circulation through the points by activating qi & blood and removing the “cold pathogens”. It is known to be used for cases of deficiency, cold and dampness. One popular use of moxibustion is for turning a malpositon baby and treating menstruation cramps. (Commonly there is a immediate effect)

What is Cupping?
Cupping is another kind of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditionally round glass cups or jars are warmed with a flame then quickly placed on the skin (commonly along specific meridians or around the pain area) to create a vacuum, which moves the stagnation and relieves congestion. Depending on the condition, cups can be left on for approximately 5-20 minutes. Another technique used with cupping is “sliding cupping”. Oil or other materials is first placed on the skin, then the cup is applied and slowly moved up and down the affected area or meridian.

Cupping allows tissues to release toxins, activates the lymphatic system, helps to activate the veins, arteries and capillaries, improve varicose veins and skin, clear colon blockages and stretch marks. It is also know to be a very good deep massage. Cupping is used for cases of blood stasis and dampness: for example, arthritis, chronic injury, diarrhea and asthma etc.

What is Reflexology?
Reflexology dates back to ancient China, Egypt and India. It is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflex points on the feet, outer ears and hands. Reflexology is most commonly used on the feet because there are over 7000 nerve endings in each foot, which makes them quite sensitive.

This ancient healing technique involves a steady pressure on the reflex points, which affects particular organs and body parts to treat a variety of diseases.

How does Reflexology Work?
Reflexology is a safe, easy and beneficial method of treatment. Studies have shown that reflexology can reduce stress and related problems such as PMS.

Reflexology has the following actions:

  1. Relax the muscles and relieve a variety of pains
  2. Increase circulation and improve digestion
  3. Detoxify and cleanse body
  4. Balance hormones and enhance immune system
  5. Reduce physical and emotional stress

What can I Expect?
At your first visit, there will be a diagnosis and a following treatment. For making a exact diagnosis, you will be inquired a medical history, and observed medical signs (importantly including the view of tongue) and taken a pulse, and also conducted a exam. Subsequently, a proper treatment plan will be worked out to you. Then you will be treated. When the fine needles are inserted the special acupoints, a feeling of mosquito bite can be felt. During treatment, generally you may feel a sense of deep relaxation, sometime some feeling of numbness, tingling, heaviness or soreness can be felt, which reveals acupuncture is working. The total time is about 1 to 1.5 hours.

What Recommendations is for Treatment?
It is recommended that you have a small meal before having an acupuncture treatment. Drinking plenty of water for the rest of the day will help move your qi and rid your body of toxins.

How Many Treatments will I Need?
Mainly depending on the type of illness, the proper frequency of acupuncture is chosen. Generally acupuncture is done once or more a day for acute problem, twice a week or every other day for chronic problem. About total times, acute problems need a few treatments, chronic problems need more.

How about if I do not Like Needle?
If you are scared of needle, we can make a treatment for you by the “needle-less acupuncture”, such as laser acupuncture, point depression (seed/stick) or other many ways. You can get as same effects as traditional acupuncture.